Examples of Multimodal Data Representation
The following examples demonstrate how maidr system works. Once you open
any of the links below, press tab key (or click the plot area) to focus
on the plot. Then, you can use the following keys to interact with the
- Arrow keys: move the data point
ctrl+LeftArrow / ctrl+Right+Arrow (on Windows and Linux): autoplay
data points either to left or to right
cmd+LeftArrow / cmd+Right+Arrow (on Mac): autoplay data points either
to left or to right
PageUp / PageDown: switch layers (currently supported in scatterplots
- B: toggle braille
T: toggle text announcement (it cycles through "terse", "verbose", and
- S: toggle sonification (spatial sound)
- H: open Help and settings menu
- ctrl+shift+/ (on Windows and Linux): toggle AI/LLM chat
- opt+shift+/ (on Mac): toggle AI/LLM chat
Bar Plot
Line Plot
Box Plot
Scatter Plot
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at
Developed by
(x)Ability Design Lab
in the School of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois
Urbana-Champaign. Directed by
Dr. JooYoung Seo.